Abstract of Thesis presented at COPPE/UFRJ as a partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science (M.Sc.)

Bearingless Motor With Optimal Control Implemented With A DSP

Wilmar Lacerda Kauss


Advisors:  Afonso Celso Del Nero Gomes
Richard Magdalena Stephan
Department: Eletrical Engineering

      Magnetic Bearings and Bearingless Motors represent a mechatronic system with growing technological applications at high speeds, high vacuum, low temperatures, clean and explosive atmospheres.
      The necessary hardware consists of the electromechanical part, besides sensors, electronic amplifiers and microelectronic circuits for the control. Any performance improvement that can be achieved with the same hardware, just changing the control software, represents a small increase in the cost of a series production. Therefore, the effort to implement better control algorithms considering the computational time is justified.
      This work presents experimental results of a Bearingless Motor controlled with a Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR). The laboratory prototype, the mathematical model and the establishment of a coupled and decoupled feddback control law will be explained. The computational time of these algorithms will be compared with that of a simple PD control.

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